About your Farmers
Normalizing your new relationship with your farmers.
Cognitive Function runs solely on U.S. grown mushrooms and mycelium. We partner up with growers nationwide to participate in a farm to bottle approach. We pride ourselves on supporting our ecosystem, we have done this by generating a mycelial network of cultivators, shoot us an email at: info@cognitivefunction.net to learn more and get involved.
I didn’t set out on building a mushroom company, truly. I worked on healing my health starting with my gut, my brain clarity and trying to work my way off of the western medications and into a more natural approach. Upon doing so, I was shocked to find out that NONE of the mushroom products I found at my local Whole Foods were from fruiting bodies or grown and extracted in the U.S… they were all coming in from China, by way of a Canadian company.
This seemed so strange to me and I couldn’t understand why they would be importing instead of supporting our local economies.
I came to learn that many U.S. mushroom cultivators were smaller farms that were just starting out and due to the lack of demand for their elevated priced products, there wasn’t much of a market for them. This enraged me. Mostly because when I took my healing journey into my own hands, sourcing and knowing where my medicines came from was extremely important to me. Especially at Whole Foods prices…
So, I set out to build a mushroom company. With U.S. mushroom/ herb growers at the forefront. I pay them their elevated prices so they can afford to pay a fair wage to their employees, they are able to grow their own businesses to feed their families and we all feel better with quality ingredients. All of what I make, I take. It’s as simple as that. I set out to make these remedies to help people, to bring a positive change and impact into their lives and that starts with my core pillar, knowing your farmers.
Cognitive Function uses a large network of growers nationwide, primarily in our region of the Pacific Northwest. They are all farms that uphold our level of requirements so that we can bring the best of the best to the bottle. We also ethically wildcraft often, it gets us outside and I don’t know about you, but that's my happy place. Happy people, make happy products :)